
Menampilkan postingan dari 2017

Islamic Boarding school (Pesantren)

Boarding school merupakan kata dari bahasa  Inggris  yang terdiri  dari  dua  kata,  yaitu  boarding berarti  berarti  asrama  dan  school berarti  sekolah.  Boarding school adalah sistem sekolah berasrama, dimana peserta  didik  dan  juga  para  guru  dan  pengelola  sekolah  tinggal  di  asrama  yang  berada dalam lingkungan sek olah dalam kurun waktu tertentu. Menurut Oxford dictionary, pendidikan kepesantrenan (Boarding school) is school where some or all pupil live during the term . Artinya adalah Pesantren adalah lembaga pendidikan yang mana sebagian atau seluruh siswanya belajar dan tinggal bersama selama kegiatan pembelajaran.  Selain itu Pendidikan (Boarding School) juga didefinisikan:is a school where some or all pupils study and live during the school year with their fello...


Take from : Sample could be said homogeneous when it has a characteristic that it was derive from the representative population. However, it is hard for any researchers when he/she is assigned to determine population which actually it is abstract. Population related to data not number of person involved in research chosen to be respondents. When someone put hypothesis to be verified, means that this hypothesis is a population. Researchers do only recognize a number of list of names with a specific amount called sampling frame. From this sampling frame we are allowed to select part of them as a representative of the whole population. Fortunately, we are allowed to take part of the population which is called sample. Imagined when we do our research by taking all population, we are not able to verify scientifically unless we take part of them randomly, we call it sample. The question, then arise, is it going to be the same c...