TO UN Bhs inggris


1.       Jawaban dikerjakan pada Lembar Jawaban Komputer (LJK) untuk jawaban pilihan ganda, dan lembar jawaban uraian (LJU) dikerjakan pada bagian kanan lembar jawaban.
2.       PErgunakan pensil hitam yang lunak, tulislah dengan jelas : Nama, Nomor peserta, Sekolah asal, tanggal Ulangan Umum Akhir Semester Ganjil, jam ke, dan tanda tangan kemudian menghitamkan bulatan kecil pada LJK sesuai dengan petunjuk.
3.       Apabila menjawab jawaban dengan keliru/salah, dan ingin memperbaikinya, maka hapuslah jawaban yang keliru itu dangan karet penghapus pensil, kemudian hitamkan bulatan lain yang sesuai dengan jawaban yang benar.
Contoh : Pilihan Semua  B C D E
4.       Apabila keliru mengerjakannya dengan ballpoin, garislah dengan dua garis mendatar pada jawaban yang keliru itu, kemudian hitamkan bulatan lain sesuai dengan jawaban yang benar. Contoh : pilihan semula  B C D E dubetulkan menjadi  B C  E
5.       Dahulan menjawab soal-soal yang Anda di anggap mudah.
6.       Awali dengan membaca Basmallah dan akhir dengan Hamdallah.


1. Arul : Mom, I am nominated in the singing contest
Mom    : Great !
              I’m really proud of you
The underlined utterance is an expression of…………….
  1. Will
  2. Pride
  3. Hope
  4. Plan
  5. Satisfaction

2. Zaky            : Did you join the trip last holiday ?
Firdaus            : If my father had given me permission, I would have joined it
From the dialogue, we know that ……………
  1. Firdaus joined the trip
  2. Zaky didin’t join the trip
  3. Firdaus really wanted to join the trip but he didn’t
  4. Zaky wanted Firdaus to join the trip
  5. Firdaus’s father permitted him to join the trip

3. Dimas          : Do you think our youth have the competence to keep up with the Americains in technology ?
Rafi     : I don’t think so because it needs a lot of money
The underlined words means …………………….
  1. Knowledge
  2. Cleverness
  3. Capability
  4. Experiment
  5. Profession

X         : Tom, what happened to your leg ?
Y         : I fell when I was playing football and my leg broke
X         : ……………….. you d’better take a rest
A. Oh poor you
B. That’s great
C. That’s fantastic
D. How lucky you are
E. I don’t know what to do

Rina     : May I go to Pangandaran, Mom ?
Mother            : Yes, but don’t forget to take care of yourself
Rina     : Thanks Mom
From. The dialogue above, we know that mother ………… Rina to go to Pangandaran
  1. Allow
  2. Orders
  3. Forbids
  4. Avoids
  5. Stops

X         : There will be a party at my house tonight. Would you like to come ?
Y         : I’d love to but I have an appointment with my colleague
From the dialogue we know that the second spaker ………. the invitation
  1. Gives
  2. Declines
  3. Takes
  4. Loves
  5. Enjoys


  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4
  5. 5

Man                 : What can I do for you maam ?
Woman            :  I’m looking for a science book. Do you have one about chemistry ?
Man                 : Well, you ‘d better check it in this catalogue
Woman            : Thanks
Which picture goes with the conversation ?

One of my favorite actors is in this picture. He’s in his twenties, he’s white, he’s medium heigh, quite well built.
He’s got quite dark eyebrows and short brown hair. In this photo he’s got a beard and a moustache
Which picture goes with the description you have just heard ?

10. Look at the picture
The man in the picture is …………………
  1. pilot
  2. a steward
  3. a policeman
  4. a bus driver
  5. a manager

11. Look at the picture
What are the young couple doing ?
  1. they are having meal at the restaurant
  2. they are talking in their classroom
  3. the man is singing a song for his girl friend
  4. they are sitting relaxing in the park
  5. they are sitting next to each other

12. What is the text about ?
A.    Preparing for landing
B.     An announcement for departure
C.     A save place for landing
D.    Cabin attendants
E.     The luggage of the passengers
13.Where would you hear the announcement ?
A.    On a bus
B.     On a train
C.     On a ship
D.    On an aeroplane
E.     At the airport

The registration of English Debating Championship
(EDC) is extended until 25 August 2009. Only the candidates of participants who have completed the registration process who will be invited to this championship a month later.
For more information,
Please call our contact person, Fabio Darmawan at (021)485568
EDC committee

14.What is announced by the announcement ?
A.    Invitation for registration
B.     The cancellation of competition
C.     The registration of EDC is open
D.    The registration of EDC is closed
E.     The registration of EDC is prolonged
15.Who makes the announcement ?
A.    EDC participant
B.     Fabio Darmawan
C.     The candidate
D.    The committee
E.     The adjudicator of EDC
16. When will the championship be held ?
A.    25 July 2009
B.     25 August 2009
C.     25 September 2009
D.    25 October 2009
E.     Not determined yet

Dear Rossa,
            I am guy, twenty-eight years old. I have a problem with a girl friend. She is twenty five years old. We have been dating each other of years, since we were high school students. Now we have jobs. I feel very sure that we love each other. Now it is time for me to get married. Unfortunately, her parents never approve of our relationship ever since the very first time. My family, anyhow, does not really mind. At first I thought my girl friend had the power to defend our love. But then she surrendered. She loves me and she loves her family too. On the one hand she said, “I’ll be happy if my family is happy.” It means she had to get approval from her parents.
            For  this, I was shocked. My heart was broken. She ended our relationship just at the time when I was ready to marry her. When I was with her, we were very happy. We had a lot in common and there were no conflicts. The truth was, we separated only because of her parents. They want her to marry her cousin, her aunt’s son (this in one of the traditions in the Karonese)
            For the time being I am very upset. When I miss her I call her. Then we can eat together, talk together for hours. We act like dating because she loves me, too. The real problem is, she cannot refuse what her parents want.
            So, should I forget my girl friend, the only one that I truly love ? Or else, should I just wait, and dream that one day she will be back to me ?
                                                                                                            Rio N, Padang
Dear Rio,
You call her your girl friend, but she has chosen her own way. For this reason I’d say that there is nothing you can do except forget her and go on with your normal life. Hopefully you can find another and live happily forever.

17.The main idea of the second paragraph is that ………………
A.    The writer wants to get married
B.     The writer has been dating for years
C.     The writer has a problem with his girl friend
D.    The writer feels sure that they love each other
E.     The writer’s parents disapprove of this relationship
18.Which is the following sentences is true according to the text ?
A.    Rio is not ready to get married
B.     Rio’s parents disagree to his marriage
C.     Rio and his girl friend often got conflicts
D.    Rio’s girlfriend didn’t really love Rio
E.     Rio’s girl friend couldn’t defend her love for Rio
19.Rio cannot forget her girlfriend because ……………
A.    She is very pretty
B.     She is very faithful
C.     She is his true love
D.    She is his first love
E.     She is his last love

The hotel provides 82 comfortable guest rooms that consist of Superior Rooms, Superior Seaview Rooms and 22 Deluxe Cottages with modern Balinese style architecture, private balcony, and international standard facilities. Each room has a private balcony, fully air conditioned, telephone, mini bar, radio/music, international TV channels, in house movie, tea & coffee making facilities, hair dryer, slippers, umbrella, bath/shower with hot and cold running water, and safe deposit box
            Phone  : + 62 361 751961, Fax            : +62 361 751962
            E-mail: reservation or
            Website           :

20.What does the advertisement promote ?
A.    The facilities
B.     The location of the hotel
C.     The seaview
D.    The cottage
E.     The hotel’s room

21.The guests can enjoy watching movies since the hotel offers………….
A.    a cinema
B.     in house movie
C.     a mini bar
D.    TV channels
E.     Private balcony

22.How many rooms does the hotel provide ?
A.    Thirty six
B.     Fifty eight
C.     Eighty two
D.    Ninety six
E.     Twenty eight

(The Legend of Prambanan Temple )
            Once, there was a beautiful Javanesse princess whose name Rara Jonggrang. Rara Jonggrang whose beauty was very famous in the land was the daughter of Prabu Baka, an ecil king
            One day, a handsome young man with supernatural power named Bandung Bondowoso defeated and killed Prabu Baka. On seeing Princess Rara Jonggrang’s beauty, Bandung Bondowoso fell in love with her and wanted to marry her.
            Meanwhile, Princess Rara Jonggrang felt sad due to her father’s death. She did not want to marry Bandung he had killed her father. But she was also afraid of Bandung. So she refused politely by giving him a requirement which was imposible to fill. She said, “ I will marry you but you have to built one thousand temples in one night as a wedding gift,” requested Rara Jonggrang. Bandung agreed with the condition.
            Helped by the spirits of the demons, Bandung Bondowoso started building the temples. Approaching midnight, the work would nearly be done. Rara Jonggrang knew this and thought, “What shall I do ? Bandung is smarter than I. I would lose against Bandung.”
            Suddenly she got an idea. She woke up all the women in the palace and ordered them to make noisy sounds of grinding rice so that the roosters thought it had already been dawn
            Bandung Bondowoso got frustrated because he failed completing the thousand temples. “The princess has deceived me !” Following his anger, he cursed Rara Jonggrang, “You have cheated me. Now, the thousandth temple will be you!”
            At once, the princess turned into a statue. Knowing this, Bandung Bondowoso regretted and went away. Now you can see the statue of Princess Rara Jonggrang in Prambanan temple.

23.Who help Bandung build the temples ?
A.    The spirits of demons
B.     His followers
C.     The evil king
D.    His fellow workers
E.     The spirit of giants
24.Who owned a supernatural power ?
A.    Prabu Baka
B.     Bandung Bondowoso
C.     An evil king
D.    The spirit of demons
E.     Rara Jonggrang

25.What moral do you learn from the story ?
A.    Cheating is needed
B.     You must be honest
C.     We must keep our promise
D.    Crime will not bring happiness
E.     Love is gained by working hard
Uday and Qusaya are killed and delighted British and American governments suggest that Iraq will be a safer place. Yes, the Iraqis may well feel safer. And with the dictators’s brutal sons out of the way forever. More confident about continuing the resistance against the American occupiers
Shortly before their deaths were announced, Richard Gephardt, Democrat presidential hopeful, delivered a blistering attack on Bush’s foreign policy which was driven, he said, by”machismo” and “arrogant unilateralism”. Bush, he continued, had treated U.S . allies “like so many flies on America’s windshield. He added: “Foreign policy isn’t a John Wayne movie.”
The attack aon the villa where Saddam’s sons were hiding might be seen as driving home the point. Instead, the announcement that they had been killed by the U.S. troops in a shoot-out is welcomed by Tony Blair as “great news”
26.The text mainly discusses about…………….
A.    Uday and Qusay who killed U.S troops
B.     Uday and Qusay who are killed by U.S. troops
C.     Richard Gephardt who attacked Bush’s domestic policy
D.    The attack on the villa where Saddam Husein was hiding
E.     Tony Blair who is welcomed by Saddam’s sons, Uday and Qusay

27.“The attack on the villa where Saddam’son were hiding might be seen as driving home the point”
The word attack has similar meaning to……………
A.    Raid
B.     Resist
C.     Shield
D.    Defend
E.     withdraw

28.“……………had killed Uday and Qusay”
A.    The Iraqis
B.     Tony Blair
C.     U.S. troops
D.    John Wayne
E.     Richard Gephardt

In the middle of a bright, I planned to have lunch in a new restaurant. I drove along the West Road at a reasonable speed.
            About fifty meters before the crossroads, a pedestrian who was walking on the pavement suddenly ran across the road in front of my car. I was so surprised that I braked as hard as I could. I was really panic but I had to swerve to avoid the pedestrian. I crashed into a car which was parked by side of the road.
            Fortunately, the pedestrian wasn’t injured, but I had a bad cut on my face because my head hit the wind screen. I had forgotten to put on my seat belt. An ambulance took me to the hospital where I had to have-five stitches and took a rest for some hours
            There was a lot of damage to my car; the wind screen was broken and the bodywork was badly dented. I was interviewed by the police in the hospital

29.The writer got panic because …………………
A.    a pedestrian suddenly ran accros the road
B.     a pedestrian ran into his car
C.     a pedestrian was hit by a car
D.    a pedestrian had a bad cut on her head
E.     he saw a pedestrian walking to cross the road

30.“I had forgotten to put on my sealt bealt” (paragraph 3)
The synonym of the word “put on” is …………..
A.    Put out
B.     Fasten
C.     Loosen
D.    Carry over
E.     Switch off

31.From the text above we can conclude that………………
A.    The witness helped the victims
B.     The writer drove hs car fast
C.     The pedestrian was careless
D.    The pedestrian was careful
E.     The driver helped the pedestrian

The grizzly bear  lives in the uplands of western North America. Grizzlies are normally solitary active, but in coastal areas the grizzly bears congregate alongside streams, lakes, and rivers during the salmon spawn. Every other year, the females (snow) produce one to four young (most commonly two) which are small and weight only about 500 grams (one pound). A sow is very protective of her offsprings and will attack if she is being threatened
            Male grizzly bears can range from weights of 180 to 680 kilograms (400-1,500) and stand 2.44 meters (8 ft) tall on their hind legs; the females are smaller. Their coloring ranges widely across geographic areas, from blood to deep brown or red. These differences, primarily due to the the different environments, prticulary, with regard to diet and temperature.
            The grizzly has a large hump over the shoulders which is a muscle mass used to power the forelimbs in digging. The hind legs are powerful, hewever. The muscle in the lower legs provide enough strength for the bear to stand up on its hind legs, giving it a better view of its surroundings. The head is large and round with a concave facial profile
            In spite of their massive size, these bears can run at speeds of up to 40 kilometers per hour (25 miles per hour). However, they are slower running downhill rather than uphill because of the large hump of muscle over the shoulders

32.What is the best title for the text above ?
A.    The head of Grizzly Bear
B.     Physical characteristic of Grizzly Bear
C.     The life of Grizzly Bear
D.    The Male Grizzly Bear
E.     The Grizzly Bear
33.How fast can a grizzly run per hour ?
A.    2,44 m
B.     40 km
C.     25 km
D.    180 km
E.     400 km
34.Why are the grizzlies slower while running downhill? Because …………………..
A.    They have large hump of muscle over the shoulders
B.     The muscles of their legs provide enough strength to stand up
C.     The females are smaller
D.    They can stand up on their hind legs
E.     Their hind legs are more poweful

The problem of over population in Indonesia is made worse by the fact that fifty per cent of all Indonesians are below the age of eighteen years. Most of them are dependents. They do not earn money to support themselves and are in need of many facilities like food, medical care, clothing, education, and employment opportunities. Although a large number of them are forced to drop out of school to earn a living, the government still has to spend a very large part of creating enough jobs for every new generation of school-leavers or college graduates
            Although the problem of overcrowded cities is difficult to solve, there is a solution to the problem of people living in overcrowded ares ‘of the countryside’. The solution is internnal migration. This means moving poor people from the countryside to different but underdevelopped parts of Indonesia, where they may work to build a new life them-selves. In Indonesia, there are large and active resettlement programmes of this sort which have given a new life to thousands of people.      

35.What is mainly discussed in the text ?
A.    Population problem
B.     Migration in Indonesia
C.     How to solve unemployment in Indonesia
D.    Overcrowded cities
E.     New life for thousands of people

36.The main idea of paragraph one is ………………
A.    Most of youth are jobless
B.     The elderly are more than the youth
C.     The youth earn money to support themselves
D.    Indonesians lack employment opportunities
E.     Fifty percents of Indonesians are dependents
37.“ ……………. From the countryside to different but underdeveloped parts of Indonesia” (paragraph 2)
The antonym of underlined words is ……………
A.    Developping
B.     Developed
C.     Isolated
D.    Neglected
E.     Growing

            Nuclear power seems in some ways much cleaner than other sources of energy. Take oil or coal as an example. When they are used in power stations, a great deal of smoke is produced. The smoke contains a great deal of acid. Even if the smoke is cleaned by filters, a lot of the acid still escapes into the air. This can be carried by clouds from power stations in England to Scandinavia. When it rains there, the acid comes down with the rain. As a result, the fish, in lakes and trees in forests begin to die.
            But many people are still against nuclear power. They believe that the problem is not just danger of an accident in the atomic power stations. Highly radioactive material is used. Radioactivity can cause cancer and other illness. Only a part of the material is used. The rest-called waste-is just as radioactive. Although it is still highly dangerous, this radioactive waste is often thrown into the sea. Nobody can be certain what will happen to it there. Only one thing is certain. It will be highly dangerous for at least 240.000 years!
38.What is mainly discussed in the text ?
A.    The acid rain
B.     An alternative energy
C.     An atomic power station
D.    Highly radioactive material
E.     The advantages and disavantages of nuclear power
39.All of the statements are true, EXCEPT…………….
A.    Acid rain makes plants fertile
B.     The smoke produced by the burning coal contains a lot of acid
C.     Nuclear power may cause some health problems
D.    People should be aware of the danger of radioactive waste
E.     When oil or coal is borned, it produces some smoke
40.“Nobody can be certain what will happen to it there” (paragraph 2)
A.    Locate
B.     Exist
C.     Come
D.    Occur
E.     Last

-          Pay exact fare when boarding the bus. Drivers cannot make change.
-          Upon boarding the bus, move toward the rear of the bus. Stand in the passenger area, not in the doorways or beside the driver
-          Allow senior citizens and disabled riders to use the priority seating area at the front of the bus.
-          No music without earphones.
-          Eating, drinking, and smoking are not allowed on the bus.

41.Whom the notification is adressed to ?
A.    The driver
B.     Senior citizens
C.     Disabled riders
D.    Passengers
E.     Bus owners

42.What is the synonyme of “fare” ?
A.    Charge
B.     Money
C.     Coin
D.    Amount
E.     account

43.Why should we pay exact fare when boarding the bus ? Because ………………
A.    Drivers cannot make change
B.     Eating, drinking, smoking are not allowed on the bus
C.     Senior citizens and disables riders use the priority seating area at the front of the bus
D.    We don’t  need any change
E.     We stand on the passenger area


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